Mamma Mia Flower Bouquet

Mamma Mia Flower Bouquet
from HK$890.00
Mamma Mia Flower Bouquet
Unconditional love. This purple and white bouquet represents her love to you no matter what you do. Even when you are wrong in her eye.
*The bouquet in the photo 1-5 are in large size. Last bouquet photo’s in extra large size.
**Click here for size guide & budget at a glance.
Message Card:
Workshop (if you want to learn to arrange it at our studio):
Paper Bag:
Please note that each of our bouquets is unique and slightly different. We use seasonal flowers and foliage which may sometimes differ slightly from the ones pictured but will be of the same colour and texture.
Delivery: We deliver 7 days a week between 11am-8pm. Unfortunately we can’t offer specific delivery times. For same day delivery please place your order by 1pm.