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Preface X FLORISTRY by ART OF LIVING - 首個結合花卉設計、易經哲學與AI科技的工作坊

  • Floristry by Art of Living G/F, 3 Chiu Kwong Street Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong Island Hong Kong SAR China (map)

Preface X FLORISTRY by ART OF LIVING - 首個結合花卉設計、易經哲學與AI科技的工作坊
( First-ever floral workshop that combines floral design, philosophy of the Yi Jing and the latest AI technology)

龍年, 世界進入九運, 與之對應之易經卦象為 「離為火」離卦䷝。

今年特別邀請了 Preface 聯合創辦人及教育總監,香港中文大學哲學系及香港大學專業進修學院哲學及易經兼任講師 - 謝世杰博士 (Dr Alfred Tse) 教授我們易經與風水背後的哲學以及宇宙的玄理,及其與個人氣運之關係。

根據謝博士之介紹,甲辰年之周易值年卦為「豐卦」 (雷火豐) ,故此,我們幾以豐卦卦象䷶為形像的花藝擺設來佈局,以凝聚我們家中的豐盛。

與此同時,Preface 更會以 ChatGPT 教大家如何運用AI設計以豐卦為形象的花藝擺設。之後, FLORISTRY by ART OF LIVING 創辦人 Emily Wong 黃韻伊便會激發大家以新鮮花卉來即席設計的靈感。


工作坊時段一 :Feb 8 (Thurs) 10:30am-12pm

工作坊時段二 :Feb 9 (Fri) 3:30-5pm

語言:中文 (英文輔助)


地點:西營盤朝光街3A地下 (Sai Ying Pun MTR Exit B3)


Don’t miss out on the first-ever floral workshop that combines floral design, philosophy of the Yi Jing and the latest AI technology!

To welcome the Year of the Dragon, we have invited an expert in Yi Jing and Feng Shui philosophy from the Department of Philosophy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong to collaborate with an international fashion magazine florist to leverage the power of AI and ChatGPT and create exquisite floral arrangements for your Chinese New Year home decorations.


  • Dr. Alfred Tse - Co-founder and Education Director at Preface, Adjunct Lecturer in Philosophy and I Ching at the Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong

  • Emily Wong - Founder of FLORISTRY by ART OF LIVING.

Workshop Session 1: Feb 8 (Thurs), 10:30am - 12pm.

Workshop Session 2: Feb 9 (Fri), 3:30pm - 5pm.

Language: Chinese (with English assistance)

Venue: Ground floor, 3A Chiu Kwong Street, Sai Ying Pun

Workshop Price (including all materials and tools): HK$1,668


About Preface

Preface is a leading technology training company that helps you stay ahead of the curve in today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world. Our AI-powered tech training programmes provide fast and relevant content to empower enterprises and individuals to future-proof their businesses and careers.

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To join our Feb 8-9 workshop, please proceed to cart via this link.

Then, we will see you at our shop at
Sai Ying Pun - G/F, 3 Chiu Kwong Street, Sai Ying Pun. Email us at if you have any questions.